It is hard to remember when my fascination with British military history started, but whenever it was it has set my life on a course that continually takes me back to the battlefields on which our forefathers grappled with the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.

Some of my early recollections and memories are reading books about the epic events of World War One & World War Two as a young child and speaking to veterans, who were from both wars and true gentlemen with the time of day for me.  

They spoke of mustard gas and Flanders Field, not in great detail, but just in passing – but enough to give me a hunger to know more.

But one thing I do remember, very clearly, was how they referred to their colleagues and even after so many years I could see the camaraderie and feeling they still felt; often for a friend who paid the ultimate price and did not return.  Sadly the likes of such gents have now almost gone, and with them, memorable moments have passed from living memory into history books.

Sir Winston Churchill once said:

‘… battles are the punctuation marks in this country’s history…’

I have been following that history for many years, from the beaches of D-Day to the trenches of World War One plus some of the lesser-known, but equally important, campaigns that form our history and its punctuation marks.

Today the visitors I take to the battlefield vary from relatives with a personal interest in a great uncle or grandfather, who want to explore what it was their forefathers endured.  To groups of people who want to understand and pay respect to that lost generation.

Whatever your reason for wishing to visit, I will help you explore the battlefields, but more importantly, help you understand what part the men who fought played in the punctuation marks of our nation’s history.